In the broad field of smart, intelligent buildings, there are many questions and challenges that we want to answer and solve together with the companies along the value chain. Simply click on the questions to find out what’s behind the Connected Buildings initiative and what makes digital building technology so exciting.

Digital, intelligent building technology can help us organize our lives in our dynamic multitasking world with comfort, safety and along climate-protecting, efficient energy concepts.

Why is the future forum needed?

With this initiative we are directing the focus on what is still missing: Working on the challenges along the entire value chain.

Our vision

We analyze the challenges along the entire value chain and work together on solutions. The aim is to develop a strong domestic sector.

Why digital building technology is an issue of the future

Intelligent buildings are able to adapt comfort, security and smart energy concepts to our respective phase of life.

"Nothing is as constant as change." - the philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus

Why Corona is fueling the digitization of buildings

For Christian Hartmannsgruber, Managing Director of KIMOCON, it is clear that Corona has driven the digitalization of our lives - and these changes are here to stay.

Higher quality of life in every life cycle

Our experts from the Competence Center Information Technology KI-I, Franz Pühretmair and Gerhard Nussbaum, on the support we could receive from smart technologies in all situations in life.

"Don’t expect to get simple answers. But expect to be inspired." - Richard Straub, founder of the Peter Drucker Forum

How do we want to live in ten years?

Reiner Heineck, CEO of viRaTec, on the Star Trek generation: How much of that enthusiasm for new technologies remains today?

Digital, intelligent building technology can help us organize our lives in our dynamic multitasking world with comfort, safety and along climate-protecting, efficient energy concepts.

Support for the elderly & people with disabilities

Franz Pühretmair and Gerhard Nussbaum, Managing Director of the Competence Center for Information Technology, on the entrepreneurial opportunities in these target groups. The aim is to enable the people concerned to live in their own homes for as long and as independently as possible.

Entrepreneurial opportunities for the furniture industry

Entrepreneur Roman Eberharter on the reasons why it is important for the furniture industry to deal with smart building technology and smart homes. He appeals to companies to take advantage of the opportunities these new technologies offer. There are also good development opportunities here for small, regional companies.

The lack of customer-oriented solutions

... and how companies can benefit from it - from industry and producers to small regional businesses. Christian Hartmannsgruber, Managing Director of KIMOCON, on the entrepreneurial opportunities on the market: The "cake" has not yet been divided, the chances for conquest are still intact for everyone.

Why maintenance, services and support are becoming essential

Walter Czetsch, Product Management & Innovation at Energie AG Oberösterreich, goes into the changing market: Digitized buildings require more maintenance and service. Their support is a business opportunity for companies.

Further development means leaving the old behind and treading unknown paths. We will show you ways in which you can meet these challenges.

What are the first steps that trades can take?

Christian Hartmannsgruber, managing director of KIMOCON, what first steps companies in digital building technology could take. Essential: To develop step by step.

How companies can survive in the face of solely online trade

SMEs that are future-oriented are particularly important for Austria. In the interview on this Mag. Bianca Dvorak, deputy managing director of the federal committee electrical and furnishing specialized trade in the WKO.

Creating smart living environments

Technically, many things are already possible, but there are still stumbling blocks along the way. Franz Pühretmair and Gerhard Nussbaum, CEO of the Competence Center Information Technology, know more about this.

Which approach to the Internet is recommended?

For Christian Hartmannsgruber, CEO of KIMOCON, it is important to know how customers use the internet. Why? Because it changed the way potential customers get information and make purchasing decisions.

How to prepare well for projects

KNX expert Mario Necker with recommendations on what matters in the professional handling of smart building projects. As projects become more complex and customers have to get to grips with new technologies, good documentation is essential.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - The economist Peter Drucker

Opportunities for the regional specialized trade

Entrepreneur Roman Eberharter on the opportunities presented by new technologies for regional specialist retailers on the market: Networks and cooperation with partners mean entrepreneurial opportunities with a multiplier effect. Through them it is possible to complement your own business with other trades.

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing" - Walt Disney

Smart building technology requires skilled workers from a wide range of fields: Electricity, for example, is the basis of our digitization, and electricians and electrical engineers are in highly demanded on the market. It is important to keep pace with technological change and to continue to develop. This also applies to those who are already professionally active: one single training in a lifetime will no longer be sufficient due to the dynamic technological development.

Why an electrical engineering apprenticeship and training is an investment in the future

Walter Czetsch, Product Management & Innovation at Energie AG Oberösterreich, on the brilliant future opportunities with an electrician apprenticeship. And: We will only achieve the energy transition if we solve the skilled worker problem.

Why good education and training is so important

KNX and standardization expert Mario Necker on the need to have good education and training. The market with smart building technology is growing rapidly, and those who do not want to lose touch with their customers should get to grips with these systems.

"Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment." - Oprah

The shortage of skilled workers is an opportunity for women

The shortage of skilled workers is slowing the European economy, while women are still mainly active in only five professional fields. Women are an important human resource that should be awakened. This creates a win-win situation: women earn more and become more independent, and sectors solve their skilled labor problem.